
Minimally Invasive Interventions thumbnail

Minimally Invasive Interventions

We focus on minimally invasive interventions to help our patients recover from chronic pain and injury while avoiding surgery. We use musculoskeletal ultrasound and fluoroscopy (x-ray) for targeted injections. We use the latest in ortho biologics including PRP, Adipose Tissue, Bone Marrow Aspirate, Wharton’s Jelly, and Amniotic fluid. We use local numbing agents avoiding the need for patients to undergo anesthesia. This allows for same day procedures and quicker recovery.

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Musculoskeletal Ultrasound

We use musculoskeletal ultrasound for guided injections of biologics and corticosteroids for all peripheral joints, around nerves, cysts, and peritendinous structures. These benefit patients in lowering the cost of procedures, involving no radiation/contrast, identifying nerves & arteries accurately, and having better accuracy than palpation-guided injections.

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Ortho Biologics

Biologics include platelet rich plasma (PRP), adipose derived cells (ADSC), bone marrow aspirate concentrate (BMAC), Wharton’s jelly (umbilical cord tissue), and amniotic fluid. These injections may play a large part in filling the treatment gap that exists for patients between little to no intervention and surgery. Certain body regions are slow to heal, such as tendons due to low metabolic rate and joints due to hypo vascularity. These injections are tools to help aid patients in recovery. We use ultrasound or x-ray guidance to place the biologic in the appropriate body site. Importantly, they do not replace surgery when clear surgical indications are present. Currently they are not covered by insurance.

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Lower Back Pain Treatments

Targeted Lower Back Pain Treatments

Low back pain is one of the most common diagnosis in healthcare. It is debilitating for patients and leads to lost time with loved ones and time away from work. We offer fluoroscopic (X-Ray) guided lumbar procedures. After a trial of medications and/or physical therapy, patients may be appropriate for an injection. We can target various regions of the low back with corticosteroid injections including the use of transforaminal epidurals and facet injections.

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Telemedicine SF Sports Doc - Josh Sampson MD


We offer telemedicine appointments!

We understand the limitations of making it in to our office. We can address your symptoms from the safety and comfort of your home. We offer telemedicine appointments using your phone, computer, or tablet. No special equipment is required. We collect the same information prior to your visit as an office visit including a pain diagram and your insurance information. During your appointment we will review your history, do a virtual exam, and discuss your treatment options. We will jump start your recovery and get you into virtual or in person physical therapy, order imaging, start medications, and discuss injection therapies as needed. All appointments are HIPPA compliant and your cyber security is important to us.

Schedule an Evaluation with our Board Certified Physician!

Schedule an Evaluation with our Sports Medicine Physician!

I will come up with a diagnosis and treatment plan during your first appointment.

CONTACT OUR TEAM AT 415.668.8010